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Competition Results

Comp Results
This is where we will publish the results of recent fishing competitions. 

 Whiting 2 Competition: 13th – 14th January 2024


Heaviest fish:  John Della-Rosa .550 grams

 Heaviest Bag:  Greg Nixon .922 grams

 Jr Heaviest fish:  Eddie Matson .268 grams

 Jr 2nd: Lewis Matson .166 grams

 Attendance: John Briggs.

Whiting #4 March 23-24  


Heaviest Fish: John Della Rosa ,588 kg

Heaviest bag: Russell Sheppard 1.98 kg

Attendance: Wayne Preston

Gummy Shark - March 2024: 


Heaviest Fish: tony Kent 

Heaviest bag: No other fish weighed in.

Attendance: Russell Sheppard 

Tony Kent Gummy of the month IMG_2556_edited.jpg
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